With the help of Mailman Group, Bundesliga has officially launched their presence across three key social platforms in China, releasing this statement about their launch:
Cologne – The Bundesliga is looking at ways in which it can provide its Chinese fans with all the fascination of Bundesliga. To that end, Germany’s top flight has begun localising content for the benefit of the fan base in a country with over 1.35 billion inhabitants.
As of July 2014, existing content has been distributed across three of China’s most influential digital platforms: Sina Weibo – the country’s foremost social network with over 500 million users; WeChat – a mobile notification service; and finally, Youku – China’s YouTube equivalent, with where fans are able to watch videos shared from other social networks without a subscription.
With the interest in European football growing in China, particularly in German clubs after their World Cup spectacle, Bundesliga has picked the perfect opportunity to launch on Chinese social media.