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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Collins

China Strategy x 3

People often ask me the same 2 questions.

1. What exactly is a Chinese Social Media strategy?

2. Has anyone ever told you look like a slightly less attractive Ben Affleck?

Believe it or not, this article discusses the former.

“I couldn’t find a silver tie”

Having spent the best part of my mature years with Mailman I say companies fall under the following 3 scenarios:

The first:  China 101

Get involved. They are making a commitment to China and are now looking to navigate through Chinese social media. This can be done by creating awareness, connecting on Weibo and possibly building out a Chinese branded network (see our great – HA).  Engagement is driven through LOL’s, OMG’s, Likes and other popular online language.

Summary: China is the largest market on this planet. Its huge! A massive population, rapidly developing middle class with money but often not exactly sure where to spend it.

Who is it for?

Well established brands already in China or knocking on the door. Niche brands wanting a cost effective way of entering the market.

The second: China Pie (grab a piece)

For many countries like Australia, New Zealand, UK and the USA the traveling Chinese make up the majority of “1st time” tourists shuffling in & out of airports, over-sized cannon around their neck and a pocket full of ‘dreams’.

How many of you are taking this seriously? Your competitors are!

Who is it for?

The tourism industry wins here.

Hotels and hostels, airlines and insurance agencies, tour groups, car hire, entertainment and sporting events, bars and restaurants, universities.

The third: Backyard China

Chinese if you haven’t yet realized are a major part of all modern societies.  Think USA (7m+ Chinese), think Australia (1m+ Chinese) think  Canada (2m+ Chinese)

Mailman has identified a huge chunk of our campaign traffic is coming from outside of china.

These people are living next door to you, but still using Chinese Social Media platforms which they find easier to navigate through – ones they can relate to.

Get this: 2011. In Australia, 20% of the population of Sydney & Melbourne are made up of Chinese speakers. In the US, graduate school applications made by Chinese increased a whopping 21 percent compared to the previous year. Impressed? How about the fact this is the sixth consecutive year that applications from China have showed a double-digit increase. Not bad ey?

Who is it for?

If you are running any kind of business that you would like to market to general consumers living in and around your city then this is for you.

How many of you are currently speaking the world’s most spoken language?

So as the world turns its attention to China. We wave the Social Media banner and assure you someone’s got it covered.

Someone looking suspiciously similar to Ben Affleck…..hmmm 

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