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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Collins

New York Fashion Week 2015 on Chinese Social Media

Updated: Jun 4, 2019

New York Fashion Week is one of the year’s biggest worldwide fashion events, and the fanfare is no different in China.  

With over 100 million people on Sina Weibo talking about the event and counting, it’s important for all brands to be part of the discussion. The main opportunity resides in owning and leading the discussion.  

3 advantages to owning a hashtag page

A new background at your disposal

Make it relevant but remember, you’re in control. In this particular case, we want anybody mentioning or talking about the event to think about Macy’s. Like western social media, hashtags are clickable to view all people that are using the hashtag and posting about the event. What’s different on Weibo is the page where the user lands. In this case you’ll see that they land on a dedicated hashtag page. As the brand that owns the page, use the space as an area to brand it, almost like a big online media canvas that is essentially free.

An opportunity to lead the discussion

Be proactive to respond to the group. Like any other hashtag page, it’s important to moderate the posts that are relevant to you. Be cautious and remember that you are still following your own individual brand content strategy even though you are managing a separate page.

Reaching a new target audience

More likely than not, a hashtag page will have about 80-90% new followers that may have never known about your existence on social media. Take that as an opportunity to launch a new campaign relevant to the topic or event that can increase the impact of your main account.

Owning a hashtag is easy on Sina Weibo.  Putting the right strategy and branding with your hashtag can be challenging, but if done correctly, it can be a #gamechanger for your brand.

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