Better late than never? This phrase does not apply to China. With interest in Sport at an all time high and with a dramatic rise in the number of Chinese Sports fans, there is no time like the present to invest in a China strategy. Now is the time to build an online presence in China or you may lose out to those clubs who took advantage of this opportunity.
The Chinese love for Football runs deep. More surprisingly their passion for top European leagues far exceeds their interest in the CSL (Chinese Super League). If you need proof of their insane love of the game, here it is:
In 2010, 52 Million Chinese viewers tuned in to watch the Football World Cup Final, AT 3AM!
When Barcelona visited China in 2005, some 12,000 Chinese fans turned up to an 80,000 seater stadium to watch them. Unbeknown to them, the club was strong yet short sighted promotional activity to a local Chinese audience resulted in a poor attendance. In contrast, when lower league Stockport County FC came earlier that year, they attracted a crowd of more than 25 thousand. In England Stockport’s stadium houses only 5,000 fans. They really committed to targeting the Chinese fans and due to their stronger marketing strategy, they attracted great support for their tour. This point really goes to show that it doesn’t matter how successful your club is, the Chinese fan will welcome you with open arms.