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Top Social Media Campaigns #1

Updated: Jun 19, 2019

We’re here at last…..

I can now reveal Mailman’s favorite campaign of the last 5 years…

VW Fox“Planeta Terra” Twitter Zoom

As official sponsor of the popular Sao Paolo music festival ‘Planeta Terra’, ‘Volkswagen’ saw a great opportunity to drive consumer interest in the launch of their new car, the Fox.

As the festival had sold out in a very short space of time, the one thing the youth of Brazil wanted….was tickets!


To come up with a highly targeted, innovative and ‘out of the box’ campaign to promote their trendy new car, the VW Fox, to a young target audience based in Sao Paulo.

To bring social media to the streets of Brazil driving Buzz around the VW brand, letting the people of Sao Paolo know that the FOX was in town!


The idea was simple, by using a mash-up of Twitter, Google maps and word of mouth, they spread the VW message throughout the city by running a competition to win free tickets to the festival.

The magic – this competition would take place both in cyberspace and in the streets of Sao Paolo.

Having hidden a series of tickets across the city, they then displayed their locations on Google maps….the only catch being that it was completely zoomed out!

In order to close in on the prize locations, people had to use the #foxatplanetaterra hash tag in their tweets.  The more tweets that came in, the more it zoomed in.  However, the zoom can only go so far, at which point people took to the streets, joining the race to reach the tickets first.  As soon as one pair of tickets was found a new search began.  This went on day and night for 4 days.

Why we love it

VW took Sao Paolo by storm, both online and offline!

In just 2 hours the VW hash tag (#foxatplanetaterra) became the #1 trending topic in Brazil, where it remained for all 4 days of the campaign.

It most certainly connected with their target market, the youth of Brazil, by engaging on Twitter, a platform which appealed to them, and giving them a very real chance of winning the golden tickets.  The ‘Planeta Terra’ is also a festival which is very popular with the younger generations.

They executed the campaign in a dynamic and powerful way, maintaining hype and fan engagement throughout the 4 days, AND…they reached millions of people!

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